Vice Secretary General of EDAC

The international speaker panel will explore the different ways in which ongoing and future Litigation and Arbitration may be affected by the recent developments and discuss the derivative implications of sanctions in various jurisdictions, including Turkey.

Founding Partner, Moroğlu Arseven

Partner, RPC

Senior Associate, McNair International

Senior Associate, Moroğlu Arseven

Principal, Juris Consultus Shaikenov Law Experts, (SHEL)

Vice Secretary General, EDAC

08:30 – 09:30
Welcome Breakfast & Coffee

09:45 – 11:00
In this panel, experts will be discussing the effects of the global energy crisis in arbitration, and they will forecast the type of disputes in arbitration that we will mostly see in arbitration forums in the future.

Berceste Elif DURANAY
Secretary General of EDAC

Secretary General of EDAC

Founding partner of Barbier Mehtiyeva Law and Professor at Paris-Est Créteil University

Assistant Professor in Private International Law at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University

Managing Partner at Singularity Legal and DIFC Practitioner

Former Deputy Attorney General (International Law) at Ministry of Justice, Israel

11:00 – 11:15
Morning Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:15
To be funded or not to be funded… That is the question!
Potential benefits and disadvantages of funding for lawyers and GCs. Also, discussion on litigation and arbitration insurance that funders and lawyers are using globally.

Global Head of Origination, Bench Walk Advisors and EDAC Arbitratior

Partner at Esin Attorney Partnership

Investment Manager, Legal Counsel at Omni Bridgeway

Complex & International Recovery Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution Group at Gateley

Director and Co-Founder at Factor Risk Management Specialist in Litigation finance and Dispute Insurance Litigation Funding and After-the-Event (ATE) Insurance Advisor and Broker
12:15 – 13:15

13:15 – 14:15
In-house Counsel Perspective

Partner at Kolcuoglu Demirkan Kocakli

Partner, Forensic Grant Thornton UK LLP

Partner & Head of India Practice at Norton Rose Fulbright

Legal Executive Director at Karadeniz Holding

Chief Legal Officer at Rönesans Holding

In-House Counsel, Baker Hughes
14:15 – 15:30
Panel will focus on commercial and investment disputes arising during the life cycle of infrastructure projects and damage quantification for such disputes.

Managing Partner at Singularity Legal and DIFC Practitioner

Partner, Dunning Rievman & MacDonald LLP

Partner at Yazıcı Attorney Partnership

Valuation and Damages Expert Witness, Partner at HKA

15:30 – 15:45

15:45 – 17:00
Arbitration in Middle East – is a new era brewing?

Vice Secretary General of EDAC

Partner and Head of International Disputes MENA at Vinson & Elkins

Senior Partner, Masin Project

Counsel, Allen & Overy, Dubai

Senior Vice President at Burford Capital

Global Co-Head, Infrastructure, Construction and Energy at DWF